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Webinar Schedule 2024
Dates for our upcoming webinars

Recent Webinars

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The East African contribution to Victory in Burma
We welcome back Harry Fecitt MBE, TD - military historian and author
A War of Empires - a talk by Dr Robert Lyman
A War of Empires: Japan, India, Burma & Britain: 1941–45 re-examines the story of the Burma Campaign…
Hill of Valour: George Knowland and the Commandos at Kangaw
Out-gunned and out-numbered by odds of more than 15 to one, a small force of Commandos fought one of…
The Forgotten Chindits: 23 British Infantry Brigade
In 1944, 23 British Infantry Brigade fought in the Naga Hills to the north and east of Kohima....
A Christmas Service of Remembrance 2022
A Christmas Service of Remembrance - online event. We are delighted to welcome Bishop Nigel Stock and…
The Role of Armour in the Burma Campaign & Ezra Rhodes in Kohima
'Using tanks in Burma, no, not possible’ was the general belief early in the Second World War...

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