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Latest News - UK

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Kohima 80th Anniversary Remembrance, York
80th Anniversary events to commemorate the battles of Kohima & Imphal
80th Anniversary Gala Dinner, York
Guest speaker, General The Lord Richard Dannatt GCB CBE MC DL
KET visit to 352nd Special Ops Wing, Pararescue
KET presented a piece of a C-46 aircraft found in Pangsha village to the Pararescue Wing at…
KET visit to the Cameron Association
KET CEO was invited to speak at the Officers' Dinner Club, formerly the Cameron Association,…
HM The King mentions Kohima in D-Day Speech
HM The King mentions the battles of Kohima and Imphal in D-Day Speech 6th June 2024
Battle of Kohima commemoration held in Sidmouth
Saturday 22nd June 2024, a parade marched up Church Street, Sidmouth
KET invited to speak to the PWRR
KET CEO Sylvia May was kindly invited to visit the PWRR on 25th April 2024
80th Anniversary Remembrance for the Royal Norfolks
Service at St Saviour’s Chapel, Norwich Cathedral, 28th April 2024
Remembrance for the Battle of the Lion Box
80th Anniversary service of remembrance at the National Memorial Arboretum on Sunday 7th April…
Kohima Service of Remembrance in York 2023
A service of remembrance for the Battle of Kohima 1944
The Sergeant Harry May Award - July 2021
The Sergeant Harry May (MID) Award for Leadership by a 2 Signal Regiment Senior Non-Commissioned…
75th Anniversary Commemoration in York - 3rd & 4th July 2019
The annual Kohima Day service in York.

Latest News - Nagaland

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80th Anniversary commemorations in Kohima April 2024
A team from KET visited Kohima to commemorate the the 80th anniversary.
39 Hours - Walking in my Grandfather's footsteps
KET Trustee Charlotte Carty's mission to remember her Grandfather, Lt Col William Felix "Bruno"…
Grandchildren of veterans visit Kohima
Grandchildren and other family relatives of veterans visit Kohima
KET supporters visit Cameron Memorial at Kohima - March 2022
Descendants of veterans from the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders visit Kohima
The Essay Writing Competition & Gordon Graham Prize for Naga Literature 2021
Essay Writing Winners & Gordon Graham Prize for Naga Literature
Mind Your Health Workshops
KET supports the next programme of workshops focussing on Health.

Upcoming Events

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Webinar Schedule 2024
Dates for our upcoming webinars

Recent Events

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The Other Side of the Hill: The Indian National Army in Battle India-Burma 1944-45
KET is delighted to present this webinar and to welcome guest speaker Dr Chandar S. Sundaram, military…
The East African contribution to Victory in Burma
We welcome back Harry Fecitt MBE, TD - military historian and author
An Audience with Dr Robert Lyman York 2023
Wednesday 5th July: Dr Robert Lyman spoke about his new book, The Reconquest of Burma at York University
Fundraising for KET at Ford RideLondon 2023
KET is delighted that two of our supporters are raising money by cycling in the Ford RideLondon event…
A War of Empires - a talk by Dr Robert Lyman
A War of Empires: Japan, India, Burma & Britain: 1941–45 re-examines the story of the Burma Campaign…
Hill of Valour: George Knowland and the Commandos at Kangaw
Out-gunned and out-numbered by odds of more than 15 to one, a small force of Commandos fought one of…

Upcoming Webinars

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Webinar Schedule 2024
Dates for our upcoming webinars

Recent Webinars

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The East African contribution to Victory in Burma
We welcome back Harry Fecitt MBE, TD - military historian and author
A War of Empires - a talk by Dr Robert Lyman
A War of Empires: Japan, India, Burma & Britain: 1941–45 re-examines the story of the Burma Campaign…
Hill of Valour: George Knowland and the Commandos at Kangaw
Out-gunned and out-numbered by odds of more than 15 to one, a small force of Commandos fought one of…
The Forgotten Chindits: 23 British Infantry Brigade
In 1944, 23 British Infantry Brigade fought in the Naga Hills to the north and east of Kohima....
A Christmas Service of Remembrance 2022
A Christmas Service of Remembrance - online event. We are delighted to welcome Bishop Nigel Stock and…
The Role of Armour in the Burma Campaign & Ezra Rhodes in Kohima
'Using tanks in Burma, no, not possible’ was the general belief early in the Second World War...

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